Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Yes, I love horse racing

Earlier today, I saw a mini FB rant about the evils of Thoroughbred racing. This was triggered by the recent death of a horse at Saratoga.  And I'll admit it--I love horse racing.  I love nearly everything about it--I won't bore you all with childhood memories of halcyon days spent at Saratoga, dreaming of becoming a jockey until I reached 5'8" tall--but the horses, jockeys, trainers, and exercise riders, grooms and hot walkers, all have my undying admiration. 

Having said that, I recognize full well the dangers, the cruelty, the sheer stupidity in starting horses when they are babies, asking them to run at full speed when they aren't finished growing.  And I hate that aspect of TB racing. I also hate that there isn't a nationwide racing governing body, so that the laws and rules change from state to state with no consistency or reason.  

So, no, I am not about to defend Thoroughbred racing.  Nor am I going to out-and-out decry it. See, what really irritated me about the FB rant was the singling out of TB racing, the hypocrisy of the accusations.  News flash, folks:  Horses (and riders) get badly injured in every horse sport you care to name.  Horses are neglected and abused from the highest levels down to the lowliest backyard pony, in every horse sport or non-sport.  What about the exaggerated movements of gaited horses?  The use of steroids in Quarter Horses to bulk them up? The cruelties visited on Arabian show horses to make them more "animated"? The Natural Horsemanship folks How about the weekend warrior rider, who takes their badly conditioned horse out and rides the piss out of them, exhausting them, then ignoring them the rest of the week? What about the folks who don't call the vet when they really need to, because they don't want to spend the money? Not can't, won't. And lastly, how about the idiots who let their aged, crippled "best friend" "live out their golden years" because they are too spineless to do the right thing, and end their friend's suffering?  Makes me gag.  

Yes, there are a number of problems in TB racing that need to be addressed. Ditto for every horse sport and activity created.  And unless you are willing to put your money where your mouth is and get up off your duff and do something about it, spare me your meaningless platitudes and hand-wringing.  Thanks. 

Judith Falk, ESMP
Second Wind Equine Sports Massage